Tenant Users Liability Insurance Policy, or TULIP provides special event liability coverage. It is used by venues that permit "third parties" or "tenants" to use their facilities for specific events. It is designed for third party users who do not carry liability insurance or do not want to use their own insurance.
It can be purchased instantly online and is offered at a low cost.
Our TULIP Program provides low cost general liability insurance to third party users of various and facilities for events. It protects both the user and the facility against claims by guests who may be injured as a result of attending an event.
Events may range from seminars, receptions and weddings, to sporting events and concerts. Your premium quote is based upon the risk associated with the given event or activity, the number of days coverage is needed, the number of attendees and if there are any special requirements, such as alcohol liability, food service, etc.
This is all accomplished INSTANTLY ONLINE.